December 31, 2024 at 1:25 PM

TV-Lite New Year 2025 release 0.7.7

More than a year since the last 0.7.6 release. Time to test if everything is still allright and to fix some small issues observed.
Coincidence, or not, this release happens on New Year's Eve. So, Happy New Year to everyone celebrating these days!

Categorie: General
Postat de: oberon

This release aims to fix some small bugs observed lately. Here is what is new.

Introducing the Windows 64 bit build along with the 32 bit one. But please, do not install both, as they will overwrite the same Start menu items and registry entries! (to be fixed)

[Linux] TV-Lite runs now also on Wayland without tweaking the environment variables.
Until now, the only posibility to run it was to specify GDK_BACKEND=x11. Now it chooses XWayland by default.
Unfortunately we are still waiting for VLC to officially release version 4.0, where a GL backend should be implemented.

[Windows] The controls bar appears on the correct screen in a multi-monitor configuration when running in full screen mode
In 0.7.6 it used to appear on the primary monitor, regardless of the monitor where the program was displayed in full screen.

[Feature] Last highlighted item in the channel list is remembered when selecting Subscription/Local Lists/Favorites.

[Fix] No longer falling back to VLC's default user agent if some particular VLC options are specified for a certain stream.

A usual, please go to the Download page if you want to run this new release.