November 7, 2020 at 11:41 PM

The Linux packages are now in Ubuntu PPA and Arch AUR

Hi everyone.  Currently we have an Ubuntu PPA and, starting from today, TV-Lite can also be found in AUR (Arch User Repository). These are now the only options of getting TV-Lite binary packages, for now

Categorie: General
Postat de: oberon

First of all, many thanks to gogo for setting up the PPA. This makes the update procedure very simple from now on. Just type the following commands into a console:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tv-lite/ppa-git
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install tv-lite

Also TV-Lite is now present in AUR. This is good news for the users of Arch and Arch-derivates like Manjaro

If you are using Pamac you only need to do a search for TV-Lite. Do not forget to enable AUR support.